The Community Discord has been undergoing several updates over the weekend. You can find all the latest information below.
- Fixed a bug with #discord-roles which wasn’t allowing you to select both the YouTube and Gaming Notifications alerts together.
- Retired the following channels:
- Warzone
- Black Ops: Cold War
- Cod Scripts
- GPC Updates
- v2 feedback
- Suggestions
- Elite
- Vanguard.
- The retired channels above have been merged under a new “Video Games” category which will now show all titles combined.
For example all Call of Duty titles are now simply under “Call of Duty”. The available games are: Call of Duty, Apex Legends, NBA 2K, Battlefield and Fortnite.
You’ll only see games related to roles you’ve self-assigned via #discord-roles. - Looking for Team/Squad has also been updated like above and merged and combined into their respective video titles.
You’ll only see games related to roles you’ve self-assigned via #discord-roles.